Sustainable Fishing Tourism principles

My Assignment: direction, animation, videomaking



  • n° 1 Animation video 3 minuti – English version
  • n° 5 Video Pills 90 seconds (3 Complete and 2 only Editing)

There’s no single magic solution to the crisis facing small-scale fisheries: action is needed on many fronts to make fisheries sustainable. However, Sustainable Fishing Tourism is an increasing popular activity around the world. Sustainable Fishing Tourism has different names in different countries – Pescaturismo, Pescaturisme, Pêchetourisme, Pesca Vivencial, Experiential Fishing, Ribolovni turizam etc. – but the concept remains the same: it is only intended for professional fishers, allowing the diversification of their activities while continuing their traditional trade. This alternative income stream should reduce the intensity of fishing activities, contribute to sustainable management of fishery resources, and promote the cultural heritage of artisanal fishing…. MORE

All the videos have been produced by WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative © 2018 

Marina Gomei              Regional Projects Manager
Clémentine Laurent    Project Communications Officer
Claudia Amico              Creative concept and production
Art direction                 Eleonora Pollina
Script                             Evan Jeffries
Voice                              Kevin James Pond

DestiMED Project – Mediterranean Ecotourism

My Assignment: direction, videomaking, editing 

Mediterranean Ecotourism Destination: joint planning, monitoring, management and promotion for a governance system in Mediterranean protected areas (DestiMED)

DestiMED believes that ecotourism can be transformed into a genuine alternative for the current tourism challenges facing the Mediterranean while directly supporting conservation of the region’s incredible biodiversity. How? The project was established to provide protected areas and their private sector partners with the tools they need to create transformative travel experiences that generate positive outcomes for local communities, while minimizing the impact of tourism on local, natural and cultural resources…  MORE

All the videos have been produced by WWF Mediterranean in the framework of the DESTIMED project. Dissemination by WWF Mediterranean Programme © 2017

Jeremy Sampson      Communication
Anne Rémy                Concept design and supervision
Catherine Roberts    Translation coordination
Claudia Amico           Creative concept and production
Shooting: Claudia Amico, Lorenzo Catini, Alessandro Zonfrilli

FishMPABlue2 Project (Photo)

My Assignment: photo only for the WEB site

Every aspect of fisheries management is made stronger when the fishers are a part of it

By Anne Rémy, WWF Mediterranean



Official photographer





The FishMPABlue2 project aimed to test a set of governance measures identified as key factors for the successful management of small-scale fisheries within and around Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean (‘Governance toolkit’) and to assess its ecological, economic and social impact. This ‘Governance toolkit’ has been tested in 11 pilot sites, located in 6 Mediterranean countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain) in order to assess and quantify its success in achieving expected results in terms of MPA ecological effectiveness, benefits delivered to small scale fisheries and social acceptance of management measures by stakeholders…  MORE

All the videos have been produced by WWF Mediterranean in the framework of the FishMPABlue2 project. Dissemination by WWF Mediterranean Programme © 2018


WWF #GenerAzioneMare

My Assignment: Direction, Editing and Compositing

WWF #GenerAzioneMare from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

#GenerAzioneMare: insieme per difendere il Mediterraneo

WWF FRANCE and TURKEY Underwater footage
  • n 1 Opening Clip


Gli oceani ricoprono i 2/3 del nostro pianeta e se fossero un Paese, sarebbero la settima economia più grande al mondo, per un valore complessivo di 24.000 miliardi di dollari.

Un valore enorme fatto di pesca, acquacoltura, turismo, istruzione, commercio, ma anche di azioni fondamentali alla nostra sopravvivenza, come il sequestro del carbonio dall’atmosfera.

Eppure questo straordinario “fondo di ricchezza comune” oggi è costantemente eroso e minacciato dalle azioni umane.
Investire nello sviluppo sostenibile, combattere i cambiamenti climatici e lavorare per la conservazione degli habitat e il recupero degli stock ittici è l’unica strada perseguibile per difendere il nostro capitale blu.  SCOPRI DI PIU’  Edited by WWF©2017



My Assignment: Direction, Editing and Compositing

SOS LUPO Spot SMS Giornata Oasi 2017 from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.


WWF Specialist Marco Galaverni
  • n 6 Clips for Media
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking


Su una popolazione attuale stimata di 1.580 lupi presenti in Italia, ogni anno sono circa 300 gli esemplari che muoiono a causa dell’uomo e di questi, 1 su 2, muore a causa di lacci e trappole, bocconi avvelentati o per mezzo di colpi da arma da fuoco! Dall’inizo dell’anno, abbiamo già contato troppi casi di lupi bracconati e sono casi che ci raccontano un’emergenza che non è solo ambientale ed ecologica, ma anche culturale, com’è accaduto per il lupo ritrovato letteralmente scuoiato nel Comune di Suvereto in Toscana. A tutto questo, si aggiunge la ….  READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2017


PELAGOS Sanctuary

My Assignment: Editing direction

PELAGOS Sanctuary from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

A call for Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean

Footage by Claudia Amico, TETHYS Sabina Airoldi, WWF France Denis Ody
  • n 1 Film 2 minutes English Edition

Rome, Italy – 16 years after its establishment, The Pelagos Sanctuary is still neither effective nor efficient. The agreement that established Pelagos is legally weak: governance of the area does not allow the development of a truly international form of management. In addition, resources needed to manage the Sanctuary in an efficient and effective manner are insufficient MORE… Edited by WWF©2016

WWF Le foreste che curano

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

Repubblica Centrafricana, le foreste che curano from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

Central African Republic (CAR),

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 16 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking
  • TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes.

 Le foreste che curano

Prendersi cura delle aree tropicali è necessario per proteggere l’ambiente e la salute infatti molte piante presenti nelle foreste tropicali hanno proprietà medicinali. Ciò significa che tutelare le aree tropicali del pianeta ci consente non solo di respirare meglio, ma anche di favorire le ricerche scientifiche volte a preservare la salute umana. Questo video mostra come la popolazione di Pigmei che vive nella Riserva Nazionale di Dzanga Sangha, nella Repubblica Centrafricana, si cura grazie alle risorse fornite della foresta dove vivono. READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2016


WWF Abitazione dei gorilla di pianura

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

Repubblica Centrafricana, l’abituazione dei gorilla di pianura from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

Central African Republic (CAR),

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 16 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking
  • TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes.


Studio sul campo dedicato ai gorilla di pianura nella Riserva Nazionale di Dzanga Sangha, nella Repubblica Centrafricana, dove è in corso il progetto WWF di “abituazione” dei gorilla. Si lavora in particolare con tre famiglie, che prendono il nome dal “Silverbeck” (il maschio del gruppo): i Makumba e i Mata a Bai Hokou, e i Mayele a Mongambe. L’abituazione ha due finalità una scientifica e una di tutela della specie. Il monitoraggio quotidiano delle famiglie di gorilla garantiscono un controllo e una deterrente contro le attività di bracconaggio.  READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2016


WWF Sustainable tourism

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing

MPAs A winning card for sustainable tourism

Animation: Mario Nicoletta
  • n 1 Film 6 minutes English and French versions

WWF approach: promoting the adequate use of marine and coastal resources and increased marine protected areas, while creating economic benefits for local communities… MORE. Edited by WWF©2016

WWF Stop Nature Crime

My Assignment: Editing Direction


  • n 1 Advertising 30 seconds


Illegal wildlife trade has exploded to meet increasing demand for elephant ivory, rhino horns, and tiger products, particularly in Asia. Controlled by dangerous crime syndicates, wildlife is trafficked much like drugs or weapons. Wildlife criminals often operate with impunity, making the trade a low-risk/high-profit business. Today, it is the fifth most profitable illicit trade in the world, estimated at up to $10 billion annually… MORE. Edited by WWF Italy©2015