FishMPABlue2 Project (Photo)

My Assignment: photo only for the WEB site

Every aspect of fisheries management is made stronger when the fishers are a part of it

By Anne Rémy, WWF Mediterranean



Official photographer





The FishMPABlue2 project aimed to test a set of governance measures identified as key factors for the successful management of small-scale fisheries within and around Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean (‘Governance toolkit’) and to assess its ecological, economic and social impact. This ‘Governance toolkit’ has been tested in 11 pilot sites, located in 6 Mediterranean countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain) in order to assess and quantify its success in achieving expected results in terms of MPA ecological effectiveness, benefits delivered to small scale fisheries and social acceptance of management measures by stakeholders…  MORE

All the videos have been produced by WWF Mediterranean in the framework of the FishMPABlue2 project. Dissemination by WWF Mediterranean Programme © 2018


FAO/GFCM, SoMFi Report (Photo) 2018

My Assignment: Photo


SoMFi – The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries 2018

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
FAO headquarters Rome on 10-14 December 2018

° Photos for the Printed Edition

Although the main commercial fish species in the Mediterranean and Black Sea are still over-fished, pressure has reduced over the past years, raising hopes – for the first time – for the recovery of fish stocks, according to new FAO- GFCM report launched today.
MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2018


Improved drinking water sources

My assignment: Filmmaking and Photos
Ferrarelle SpA Representative on the field Antonio De Caro

UNICEF’s partnership with the Government of the State of Eritrea in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene contributes to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7 target 10 on improved drinking water and sanitation. It aims to increase improved and safe access to WASH services and practices, focusing on vulnerable groups including people in drought-prone areas. The programme focuses on improved drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene and WASH in schools… Edited by UNICEF 

ITALY – Island of Ustica Marine Protected Area

Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition


 Produced by INVIDEOPRO - Rome
  • n. 1  Film  8 minutes  “Deeply Beautiful”  Italian and English Version
  • n. 1  Film  5 minutes “Enjoy it, respect it, love it” Italian and English Version
  • Photo Gallery

The Marine Protected Area Isola di Ustica was established in 1986 and it extends for over 15,000 ha. The Island and its waters present some of the most unique coastal and marine environment… MORE. Edited by AMP Isola di Ustica©2014