FAMIGLIE SMA Vittorio Brumotti

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Post Production


Celebrity: Vittorio Brumotti (Pro Bike Rider who holds several world records)
Agency: Comunicazioni sociali Group


Gli Aquiloni di Famiglie SMA L’aquilone, simbolo di gioia e di speranza, è il protagonista di un evento di solidarietà e impegno concreto a favore della ricerca, dei bambini e delle loro famiglie. Grazie alla tua donazione potremo promuovere e finanziare nel nostro paese sperimentazioni cliniche di farmaci e terapie per aiutare i bambini con la SMA. La ricerca sta facendo passi avanti, ma c’è ancora tanto da fare … MORE.  Edited by FAMIGLIE SMA©2015

WWF Salviamo le foreste

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

La deforestazione è la principale minaccia per la vita sulla terra. Le Foreste proteggono noi, noi dobbiamo difenderle.

Celebrity: Gabriella Pession
  • n 1 TV advertising spot 30 secondi


Green Heart of Africa

L’ “Amazzonia africana”, come a volte viene chiamata quest’area, costituisce, per dimensioni, la seconda foresta pluviale al mondo.
Con una superficie di 2 milioni di km2 – circa quella dell’Europa – e una popolazione di oltre 75 milioni di persone, il Bacino del Congo ospita anche alcune specie simbolo, come il gorilla, il leopardo, lo scimpanzé e l’elefante di foresta.

Inoltre, le foreste di quest’area rappresentano il secondo serbatoio di assorbimento del carbonio del mondo per importanza, svolgendo le funzioni di “polmone” del clima mondiale e di regolatore del clima della regione…  READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2015


WWF I pigmei nella foresta

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

I pigmei BaAka: storia di Paul

Central African Republic (CAR),

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 16 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking
  • TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes.

Dov’è lo spirito della foresta?
Nel Camerun sudorientale, in un’area abitata dai pigmei BaAka, il WWF è impegnato nell’implementazione della Jengi Initiative. Questo progetto pilota è finalizzato a istituire un sistema per la gestione responsabile delle Foreste e delle Aree Protette nelle aree forestali della regione. Jengi è anche lo spirito della foresta. Ma Jengi veglia ancora sul popolo dei BaAka?
Un aspetto chiave del nostro lavoro consiste nel rendere più chiare e trasparenti le certificazioni e nel predisporre una roadmap per le autorità e il settore privato, perché si possa passare a una gestione responsabile del patrimonio forestale. Nell’ambito delle nostre iniziative ci stiamo impegnando per garantire sostegno all’amministrazione delle risorse forestali, delle ONG locali e internazionali, e dei donatori. ….  READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2015


AMAZON, Trinational Program

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

Conservation without borders in Putumayo

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 14 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes

The Trinational Program is an initiative of Amazon border integration in the middle basin of the Putumayo River, in three protected areas in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, that aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development in the area, within the framework of multilateral environmental agreements and commitments made by these countries … MORE. Edited by WWF©2014

EXPO One planet food

My Assignment: Filmmaking, Editing, Post production

One planet food

Fulco Pratesi’s interview, Italian WWF founder.

La Natura del Cibo

Con questo progetto il WWF Italia, con il contributo del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, porta i temi di EXPO2015 nel territorio italiano. Il progetto prevede diverse tipologie di azioni che approfondiranno la relazione tra la sicurezza alimentare, vincendo le sfide della denutrizione e della disponibilità di cibo, e la sostenibilità ambientale delle diete e delle filiere agro-alimentari in relazione all’utilizzo delle risorse naturali ed impatti sulla biodiversità … MORE.

Edited by WWF Italy©2015

WWF The elephant poaching crisis

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

The forest elephants in Dzanga Sangha

Central African Republic (CAR),

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 16 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking
  • TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes.

Africa’s elephant population has crashed by an estimated 111,000 in the past decade primarily due to poaching, according to the IUCN’s African Elephant Status Report. Released at the world’s largest wildlife trade conference, the authoritative report estimates that there are 415,000 elephants across the 37 range states in Africa—a huge drop since the last full update in 2006. The surge in poaching for ivory that began approximately a decade ago—the worst that Africa has experienced since the 1970s and 1980s—has been the main driver of the decline, while habitat loss poses an increasingly serious, long-term threat to the species, according to the report……  READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2015


UNICEF Azerbaijan with Shakira

Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

Shakira believes in the girls of Azerbaijan | UNICEF

In Azerbaijan, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira meets with girl footballers to promote girls’ development through education and sport. The inaugural International Day of the Girl Child was 11 October 2012.

  • n. 1  Film  3 minutes  English  Version

BAKU, Azerbaijan, 15 October, 2012 – World-famous singer–songwriter and Goodwill Ambassador Shakira recently met with teenage footballers from a UNICEF-supported national girls’ football league. She encouraged the athletes to inspire their peers to grasp their future, including through continuing to seek an education … MORE By Claudia Amico

Edited by UNICEF ©2012

GAP2 International Symposium

My Assignment: Filmmaking, Editing

Participatory Research and Co-management in Fisheries

Ÿ24 – 26 February, 2015 Ÿ- Barcelona, Spain

  • n. 5 Interviews
  • n. 6 Video Symposium

GAP2 in Depth

GAP2’s purpose is to demonstrate the role and value of stakeholder driven science within the context of fisheries’ governance.

Who we are
Funded by the European Commission’s FP7 Capacities’programme, GAP2′s work is coordinated by an interdisciplinary team across Europe, with expertise ranging from social science to fisheries management… MORE.

Edited by GAP 2©2015


ITALY – Island of Ustica Marine Protected Area

Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition


 Produced by INVIDEOPRO - Rome
  • n. 1  Film  8 minutes  “Deeply Beautiful”  Italian and English Version
  • n. 1  Film  5 minutes “Enjoy it, respect it, love it” Italian and English Version
  • Photo Gallery

The Marine Protected Area Isola di Ustica was established in 1986 and it extends for over 15,000 ha. The Island and its waters present some of the most unique coastal and marine environment… MORE. Edited by AMP Isola di Ustica©2014


My Assignment: Idea, Direction, Filmmaking, Post Production

Campaign “ADOPT TIBET”

Disegni di Valerio Giacone
Musica di Roberto Cacciapaglia
Light&Photo by Andrea Rubbo
  • n. 4 Tv advertising spots Italian, English, Spanish, French Edition

ASIA (Association for International Solidarity in Asia) was founded in Italy in 1988 by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, former Professor of Tibetan Language and Literature at Naples University “L’Orientale” and one of the world’s leading experts in the history, philosophy and spiritual traditions of Tibet. ASIA is active in many countries in Asia (Tibet, India, Nepal, Myanmar e SriLanka) and is present and rooted in all regions of China having inhabitans from Tibetan ethinc (Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and the Tibetan Autonomous Region). ASIA is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and formally became a Non-profit Social Organization in 1998. … MORE.  Edited by ASIA Onlus©2015