FAO/GFCM – Small-Scale Fishery Conference

My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production

Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – Regional Conference
Algiers, Algeria, 7-9 March 2016

  • n 1 Opening Pre Conference 5 minutes – English and French versions
  • n 1 Report Post Conference 6 minutes – English and French versions


The Regional Conference hence offered a unique opportunity to intensify efforts, in a concerted manner, to secure common strategies for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the region … MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2016



Improved drinking water sources

My assignment: Filmmaking and Photos
Ferrarelle SpA Representative on the field Antonio De Caro

UNICEF’s partnership with the Government of the State of Eritrea in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene contributes to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7 target 10 on improved drinking water and sanitation. It aims to increase improved and safe access to WASH services and practices, focusing on vulnerable groups including people in drought-prone areas. The programme focuses on improved drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene and WASH in schools… Edited by UNICEF 

WWF Earth Hour

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing, Italian Edition International Campaignfrom 2007 to 2015


Earth Hour was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney in 2007.  The mission is uniting people to protect the planet. We are an open source movement organised by WWF and volunteer organisations worldwide … MORE. Edited by WWF©2015

Use your power to change climate change.

UNICEF Bangladesh: Nuoto sicuro

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing

Bangladesh, nuoto sicuro per salvare la vita dei bambini | UNICEF

Edited by Patrizia Paternò (Italian - Unicef Communication Office)
  • n. 1  Film  4 minutes  Italian  Edition

Insegnare a nuotare non è un lusso, nel poverissimo Bangladesh: qui, dove l’annegamento rimane la prima causa di mortalità fra i bambini, con 18.000 vittime annue – 50 al giorno -, imparare a nuotare salva vite umane quanto vaccini e medicine. Le immagini di questo video raccontano una parte dei progetti visitati dal 22 al 27 novembre 2015 da una delegazione dell’UNICEF Italia in Bangladesh.
Alla missione hanno preso parte lo scrittore e giornalista Adriano Sofri, la fotografa Neige De Benedetti, la videomaker Claudia Amico e Patrizia Paternò, responsabile Brand, Contenuti e Pianificazione Media dell’UNICEF Italia, autrice del reportage…. MORE.  Edited by UNICEF ©2016

WWF Sustainable tourism

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing

MPAs A winning card for sustainable tourism

Animation: Mario Nicoletta
  • n 1 Film 6 minutes English and French versions

WWF approach: promoting the adequate use of marine and coastal resources and increased marine protected areas, while creating economic benefits for local communities… MORE. Edited by WWF©2016

WWF Stop Nature Crime

My Assignment: Editing Direction


  • n 1 Advertising 30 seconds


Illegal wildlife trade has exploded to meet increasing demand for elephant ivory, rhino horns, and tiger products, particularly in Asia. Controlled by dangerous crime syndicates, wildlife is trafficked much like drugs or weapons. Wildlife criminals often operate with impunity, making the trade a low-risk/high-profit business. Today, it is the fifth most profitable illicit trade in the world, estimated at up to $10 billion annually… MORE. Edited by WWF Italy©2015


SOFITEL Mi curo di te

My Assignment: Direction, Filmaking, Editing


Light&Sound: Andrea Rubbo
  • n 2 Film duration 90 seconds

Nasce “MI CURO DI TE”: il programma scolastico gratuito di educazione ambientale realizzato da WWF e Sofidel (Regina)
Scarica tutto il programma educativo su http://www.educazionedigitale.it/wwf e metti alla prova la tua classe con il concorso gioco a quiz. Puoi vincere tanti premi utili per la scuola.
Nell’era globale è necessario vivere il rapporto con la Terra e le sue risorse con la consapevolezza che siamo tutti interconnessi, che ogni nostra azione, anche la più piccola, ha importanti conseguenze sugli equilibri della natura e sul futuro di tutti.

Per contribuire alla diffusione di questa attenzione nei confronti dell’ambiente, nasce il programma educativo digitale, gratuito per le scuole, “Mi curo di te! Il gesto di ognuno per il pianeta di tutti”, realizzato dal WWF con il supporto di Sofidel, l’azienda cartaria nota in Italia in particolare per il marchio Regina. 

Edited by SOFITEL©2014


PRISCA Project: The reuse of goods

My Assignment: Idea, Filmmaking, Editing, Post production

The reuse of goods and the preparation for reuse are key elements of the European policies regarding waste management (Dir 2008/98/EC) and resource efficiency strategies.

Animation: Mario Nicoletta
  • n. 1 Video Project 6 minutes
  • n. 1 Video Tutorial 6 minutes

Dissemination WWF Ricerca & Progetti

PRISCA – Pilot project for scale re-use starting from bulky waste stream – is a project financed by the European Commission through the Life Plus Environment 2011 program, that aims to demonstrate the feasibility of two Reuse Centers, one in Vicenza and one in San Benedetto del Tronto, where reusable goods from solid urban waste flows are sent for preparation for reuse operations to enter a second life, instead of being disposed to landfill … MORE.

Edited by Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies ©2015


ASIA Onlus with Fortunato Cerlino

Photo campaign by Francesco Mirabile
My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Post Production


Celebrity: Fortunato Cerlino ("Gomorra" Italian serial)
Light: Stefano Pistonesi

In Nepal, the earthquake has come and gone, taking away homes, schools and thousands of human lives, without giving anybody time for a last namaskar.  ASIA knows this because has been there from the very first days. The emergency is over, but we have not left. We have stayed to help reconstruct the future of many children, starting from the schools. The schools will be a safe place where the children can learn to grow up… MORE.  Edited by ASIA Onlus©2015