FAO/GFCM Marine Protected Areas

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing, Post Production






Improve the efficiency of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as fisheries management tools and highlight benefits of involving the small scale fisheries sector

  •  n. 1 Film  6 minutes – English version

Marine protected areas represent indeed an effective management tool that enables to protect vulnerable ecosystems as well as nursery and spawning areas in order to increase the productivity of fisheries and improve the situation of fisheries and fishers in the region … MORE

Edited by  FAO/GFCM ©2016

PELAGOS Sanctuary

My Assignment: Editing direction

PELAGOS Sanctuary from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

A call for Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean

Footage by Claudia Amico, TETHYS Sabina Airoldi, WWF France Denis Ody
  • n 1 Film 2 minutes English Edition

Rome, Italy – 16 years after its establishment, The Pelagos Sanctuary is still neither effective nor efficient. The agreement that established Pelagos is legally weak: governance of the area does not allow the development of a truly international form of management. In addition, resources needed to manage the Sanctuary in an efficient and effective manner are insufficient MORE… Edited by WWF©2016

FAO/GFCM – Small-Scale Fishery Conference

My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production

Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – Regional Conference
Algiers, Algeria, 7-9 March 2016

  • n 1 Opening Pre Conference 5 minutes – English and French versions
  • n 1 Report Post Conference 6 minutes – English and French versions


The Regional Conference hence offered a unique opportunity to intensify efforts, in a concerted manner, to secure common strategies for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the region … MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2016


WWF Sustainable tourism

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing

MPAs A winning card for sustainable tourism

Animation: Mario Nicoletta
  • n 1 Film 6 minutes English and French versions

WWF approach: promoting the adequate use of marine and coastal resources and increased marine protected areas, while creating economic benefits for local communities… MORE. Edited by WWF©2016

ITALY – Island of Ustica Marine Protected Area

Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition


 Produced by INVIDEOPRO - Rome
  • n. 1  Film  8 minutes  “Deeply Beautiful”  Italian and English Version
  • n. 1  Film  5 minutes “Enjoy it, respect it, love it” Italian and English Version
  • Photo Gallery

The Marine Protected Area Isola di Ustica was established in 1986 and it extends for over 15,000 ha. The Island and its waters present some of the most unique coastal and marine environment… MORE. Edited by AMP Isola di Ustica©2014

FAO/GFCM Aquaculture

Blue Growth in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: developing sustainable aquaculture for food security

Regional Aquaculture Conference
9–11 December 2014, CIHEAM-IAM Bari, Italy

Assignment: Direction, Film making, Editing, Post Production
  • n 1 Opening  4 minutes 30 second – English version
  • n 4 Pannel Videos – English Version

The main objective of the Conference is to take stock of the progress made by aquaculture in the region and to address the main governance, economic, social and environmental challenges for its sustainable development. It aims to renew political commitment among all actors concerned towards sustainable aquaculture development in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2015

 You-Tube GFCM Channel